Monday, January 14, 2008

Plans for Animal Birth Control


To establish healthy animal-human conditions in Noida by controlling birth of animals (dogs) and immunisation

Goal and Objective

- Sterilisation of all dogs- male and female

- Immunisation of all dogs against rabies

- Deworming

- Continuous surveillance and “mopping up” activities

Today’s Situation

- Around 100 populated Residential and industrial sectors

- On an average 30 dogs per sector

- sterilisation /immunisation program in place but lacking consistent funding

- Individual and limited efforts to sterilise and immunise dogs in Sectors 30/29/ 15A/39

Proposed Action Plan

- Sector wise activities

- Sequence:

o Mapping: To pinpoint dog identity, location, pick-up, relocation and continuous monitoring. Dedicated Animal welfare workers will work as mappers and RWA, Security guards to be involved to locate and catch dogs

o Picking: Dog pick-up employing scientific and humane methods by workers trained in use of nets/ Rope-and-sack/ tranquiliser

o Immunisation and Deworming

o Sterilisation: By flank method to facilitate early release

o Release: In the same area as pickup with assistance of mappers

- Each sector to be covered in 9-15 days

- Combined with acting upon emergency situations in uncovered sectors


timsy said...

you are doing good work no doubt...but dont u think ...sterlisation of dogs even if they are stray shud be god has given every being a gift to bring life to the world...and without there consent it is done...

Chitra said...

timsy I may be wrong but if that new life cannot have a aaured good life,its been they shoudl nt be v r promoting sterilsation not abortion.,....
i came across many instances of stray pups,where most of the times they are killed by cars or left wid broken limbs or no food to eat.......passbyers kicking them............

Anonymous said...

I would like to tell you that you have given much knowledge about it.
also would recommend to choose residential property in
Eldeco Projects in Noida
for best deals,and invester may invest in Eldecofor best return on investment.this is my personnel opinion and


ChinkiSharma said...

hi is it free of cost to get our stary dogs sterlized???? Wud u pick them from the place and drop them to the same place ???